![]() Longley, Tasmania, 7150 www.longleyorganicfarm.com.au/ www.facebook.com/LongleyOrganicFarm/ www.instagram.com/longleyorganic/ What do you offer in our CSA? We offer weekly certified organic seasonal vege bags, containing berries, fruit and a range of vegetables, salads and herbs. Farm pick up or delivery to Hobart/ Kingborough. Our CSA Season runs November-April. We have been market gardening and selling produce in our community for 10 years, through farm gate sales, community food Co-ops and organic stores. We began our first CSA Vege box program in February 2017. We are currently supplying 30-35 vege bags each week. My advice to other farmers is to invite local media to feature your CSA program so more people know what is on offer, and plant a lot of the household staples, especially carrots! Oh and check out our microfarming equipment website www.activevista.com.au/ We have made it our mission to source and supply to the small farm community a comprehensive range of tools, equipment and supplies to farm efficiently and regeneratively. My favourite aspect of the CSA community is the small children who eagerly await their vege delivery, explore the farm environment when their family are collecting their bag, and delight in our super fresh organic berries.
AuthorCSA Network Archives
June 2020
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